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Sunday 24 March 2013

Favor isn't fair.

Camp is for change, it is also for seeming difficult poses. Focusing on the right things at camp can change your mind (to repent) and make difficult things easy.

If you contact the Holy Ghost by chance, its like meeting the sceptre of God, you will be able to change anything. If you are able to maintain a relationship with the Holy Ghost after camp, you will not only make immense profit, you will have undeniable peace to witness to your world about Jesus Christ.

Whatever you want at camp, you will get. You just have to settle down and think about what you want, write it down and ask God for it at camp meeting.

You might ask why camp?

Well, because many of us are distracted, busy, occupied and at camp, its like a holy time, when I say holy, I mean it is a time set aside unto God, we have picked this time and said, it is for God. Endeavor to make sure it is for God in mind and in body.

It is four days to camp. All I can say is make sure you enjoy camp, don't strive or struggle; just be conscious that God is there for you are camp meeting.

I always say: If God has stuff for only ten people, I am one of the ten, If he has for only one, I will be that One. Cos I have the favor of God. My sister's favorite phrase is 'favor aint fair'! In college, I used to say, I may not deserve it but you have reserved it. I take what you have reserved in Jesus name, amen. 

The truth is, I have not deserved a lot of the things I have received or do receive on a daily basis, but I always live conscious of a God who wants to give me everything I require, He doesn't want me to struggle either so I pray, Lord, help me stand out amongst a million people, I may not be the best but I will be favored because God favours me. God has honored me. This has helped me build my trust in Him. He keeps   His word and encourages me to do same (As I am able!).

Sometimes, you need to relax and let God favor you, if you have to work for everything in life, you may not be able to achieve all your dreams, sometimes you can just say: Lord give me divine acceleration, cause me to stand before kings, to have favor in the sight of the men that matter. Cause me to stand out amongst millions in Jesus name, amen.

The amazing thing is that God has something for everyone, do give him the time of the day.

Most of all, during camp, seek His face and He will come to you. As for me, I am seeking His face also!

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