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Tuesday 21 May 2013

Trusting Jesus...

It takes the Spirit of a man to by-pass the mind
and believe that God is saying.
Yes God speaks.

He speaks for a reason and because He wants to do something
There is 'grace' in surrendering to what God wants to do
His timing is excellent also

Best of all,
You don't have to do anything
If He says something
He will bring it to pass.

You do, however have to learn patience
Patience is staying believing what God has said

I can express this best with the illustration of Abraham whom God had promised a son
and Elizabeth who knew that she would birth a special child even though her husband
Zechariah was a doubter, He believed his body more than he believed God
He was just too darn old, and he focused on this, Luke 1:20 says, he did not believe
Luke 1:13 says, 'he was praying, is it that he didn't expect any answers
So why pray?
Is praying just some part of a ritual we must do to feel good with ourselves?
Or is it a cry for the attention of a gracious and merciful God? Cos He does hear us.

What am I saying today?
You need to engage your spirit, exercise it by speaking in tongues and feeding it with the word of God.
By being perfected in the love of God, by trusting and looking to Jesus always, by strengthening the weak areas in you instead of justifying them by the help of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Ghost wants you to be made perfect in Christ, your will power will never be able to accomplish that, engage the help of the Holy Spirit.
I love Enoch's testimony, it says it was recorded that Enoch pleased God all his days on the earth and that God took him, that is just so awesome to me.

My exhortation: Be diligent, be excellent, fear God, be perfected in Christ love for you. Have a great week marked with the presence of God all through.

Something I learnt this week that I plan to reinforce:
The key to trusting God is meditating on the word of God, day and night and you will be successful indeed!

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