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Friday 21 September 2018

I won an award today

Or from a caterpillar into a butterfly, what a beautiful one!

I did not even respond to the email yet
This was a high point of my day
One of them (one of the many).

So the first thing I would say is that there are ten more awesome Christian bloggers you should be following if you want to develop your Christian life. Starting from blogville, I met some of the most amazing brothers and sisters and we shared our lives with one another, our thoughts, our fears and prayers and grew into much more than friends, we became confident and then we formed the Nigerian digital committee. You have much to gain from your blogville fam and all the other nine bloggers will bless different areas of your life, they will enhance your secret place, your allotted special time with the Lord because they will challenge and push you to become the dream that God has for you.

When I started blogging
I worried about getting traffic
I even tried to be like others
Soon I settled into being myself

If you get traffic and you don't edify
You become a member of the same the same
and you get no chance to change another's life
So I stuck with blogging God, faith and family
which is the real me

So even though I longed to copy others
I had to maintain the real me
The one who breathed in God and the Holy Ghost
So that even though I was different from others
I accepted me for who I am.

So today I receive this award
I had the speech all planned out but now...nothing
I just want to say thanks to for picking my blog
(click the link and read guys)
I am so grateful to them for seeing this blog and highlighting it
I still pray that the people who read this are blessed with the presence of God
That they find comfort, strength, faith and the tenacity and perseverance required to live the Christian life
I pray that the peace of God will fill their souls with the love of God and the peace that the Prince of peace, Jesus, gives.

I pray that the Lord God, Yahweh would be with them as He is with me and mine, that Heb 13:5-6 would come alive for them and for their families that they would have a vital relationship with the Lord through His Spirit, that they would always hunger and thirst after the Lord and have a God-consciousness daily in Jesus name, amen. I pray that they would find purpose, connect the dots and recieve the coordinates that Jehovah El-Shaddai gives, that the Lord Most High, El- Elyon would be the most High and yet be their shepherds.

Thank you so much.

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