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Friday, 21 June 2013

The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places...

"When the day of the Lord comes, none of the following will be allowed to enter: "The fearful, and unbelieving..."

I did not finish yesterday.
I did not tall no write about ...and the unbelieving...
I got the initial scripture from revelations:

When the day of the Lord comes, none of the following will be allowed to enter: "The fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars" (Revelation 21:8)

What does it mean to be unbelieving?

The legalistic nature of the human mind wants to dwell on whoremonger and sorcerers and idolater, not much on liars 'sef' but God cares about all of them. And without the Holy Ghost we won't be able to live the life: Zoe anyways.

What does it means to believe?
Galatians says: 

I have been crucified with Christ [in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ (the Messiah) lives in me; and the life I now live in the body I live BY FAITH in (by adherence to and reliance on and complete trust in) the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me. Galatians 2:20 AMP
(making some capital for the sake of emphasis)

Romans 12:3 says

For by the grace (unmerited favor of God) given to me I warn everyone among you not to estimate and think of himself more highly than he ought [not to have an exaggerated opinion of his own importance], but to rate his ability with sober judgment, each according to the DEGREE OF FAITH apportioned by God to him. AMP

So it is established that we now live by faith from the book of Galatians and that everyone has a degree of faith given to us by God. That cancels out the excuses by some that their faith is nit strong enough since it is the faith of Jesus since we are inhabited by the MESSIAH, and also the ones who say they don't have any faith; the verse in Romans 12:3 checkmates you.
What is ignoble is when you have all of this and then you are armed with conversations of the heathen. 

Let your speech at all times be gracious (pleasant and winsome), seasoned [as it were] with salt, [so that you may never be at a loss] to know how you ought to answer anyone [who puts a question to you]. Colossians 4:6 AMP

The above verse gives an idea about how we should talk as Christians but if our talk is vain or coarse then we cannot complain about the things that we get out of life because there is a king in you and by your words you build your aeon (world) with God or evil.

Let there be no filthiness (obscenity, indecency) nor foolish and sinful (silly and corrupt) talk, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting or becoming; but instead voice your thankfulness [to God]. Ephesians 5:4 AMP

If you talk filthy, indecently, silly, corrupt or sinful or make dirty jokes that are not fitting or becoming, Dwell you have made your camp with the heathen and even though you are different you will get what the heathen get. Do you ever voice your thankfulness or instead you wonder what to be thankful for, you have located yourself with the heathen. 
Voicing your thanks is not difficult. It is your nature to be thankful and gracious and pleasant and winsome and for your words to be seasoned with salt.
Since you have but one nature, which is the nature of God, those issues are not your issues except you have forgotten who you are.

Foolish words, empty words: If you have the life of God in you, that is not who you are.

So by now you gather that your conversation influences your faith, your conversation is something only you can do something about. 

A friend once said, the children of the King should speak the language of the court, there are some things you don't see kings do; they carry themselves with grace and honor because they understand whose backing they have and they speak as such.
Recognize that you have the backing of the most High God because He loved you enough to send his son to die for you. Never forget who you are, don't go to the gutter to drink when you can be drinking from the springs. 

Do change your speech and your world.
Faith follows your speaking
Not just in church but everywhere you are.

New Biblical Glossary
El Nassah - The forgiving God

Heathen: To not acknowledge God...

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Ramblings or Truth, you decide!

When the day of the Lord comes, none of the following will be allowed to enter: "The fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars" (Revelation 21:8)

This statement is downright scary!

but it does something, it makes me glad to be the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

My focus though is the a part, lemme cut it out and just talk, write actually.

"When the day of the Lord comes, none of the following will be allowed to enter: "The fearful, and unbelieving..."

I just want to say that I miss being a believer, easily trusting, not second guessing God.

It is sad that I second guess and I do. I am just glad He doesn't hold it against me, thank God for His mercy. If it was O.T I would probably have gone up in smoke long before I finished second guessing Him. But that is not what I want to talk write about this morning, I want to talk about this morning.

I miss when I use to jump at God's word. I heard Genesis 17 read this morning and in it, God asked Abraham to circumcise his entire family and before the chapter was done, Abraham had his entire family circumscised, had started calling sarai, Sarah and started seeing himself as Abraham as opposed to Abram.

I could argue that my generation has the issue of their love waxing cold, well Abraham had no precedence whatsoever and he was the first one to believe God, the father of faith. Now today God doesn't ask us to circumcize our male (the only peeps who still do that are the Jews, they still await the Messiah; the anointed One) the rest of us do it for health reasons and not because we are acknowledging God as Lord.

These days (our era) it is a heart circumcision, I can even argue that my heart is circumcised but my actions betray me. I work at fellowship with God but it is not as good or as consistent as I know I need. I need the word day and night, it keeps me safe, it keeps my thinking right there with God. 

I am wondering if it is ramblings today:

The bible says the fearful and the unbelieving will not enter...

If the bible says the fearful and the unbelieving shall not enter, then I am glad I am neither of those things; glory to God.

2 Timothy 1:7 says God has not given me a spirit of fear but that of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND mind. I am glad that I am of the generation that believe on the name of Jesus, that look on the person of Jesus.

I am of the class that operate as Christ on earth, doing the will of the Father,  I am the seed of God's word, born of God and born of the word, I am a joint heir with Christ, I read and study the word daily so that my mind is renewed, my family are safe and secure because I am in the ark ( a type of Christ for the new testament). because of the blood of Jesus, we are safe and secure and enjoy angelic ministration daily, God sets each and every one of us apart in a million people, we are chosen because we carry the mark of Christ on us, His favor is mighty upon us daily, a shield and a protection in Jesus name, our steps are ordered, we do not stumble in darkness because we have the light of life living in us, we are joint heirs with Christ Jesus and because of our covenant with the Lord, we enjoy His protection and covering in Jesus name, amen

...About to study the word I was talking about just now!



O.T - Old Testament
N.T- New Testament

Friday, 14 June 2013

Guest blogger not really

Today, I learnt something from Francis Frangipani
I knew I would blog today but I was going around and around in circles and I knew that I wasn't getting the tone I wanted that was till I stumbled across the article on Francis Frangipani, he got me with his talk on what ministry was, everything in me rejected it but I knew it was truth so I listened...

"God says success is becoming Christlike".
If so, how much more successful am I last year than this year?

"If you don't carry the cross, you will lose your love

I have lost my love-walk a couple of times and those times were like being in hell on earth, there is nothing like pretending to put you in a place like hell. Sincerity is a big deal if you want to live a victorious Christian life.

"In fact, I have discovered that only to the degree that we die to self do we lead others. Everything else is just religion without power".

Am I willing to die to self in many things? My flesh always says no. By that, I am not surprised. But my spirit is willing and since my spirit rules, I will be able to die to my flesh daily no matter what because the Holy Spirit is my leader, He is the one who leads me in predestined paths. I am willing to follow, I wonder what good will come out of this now.

In the mean time I strengthen the manifestation of the fruit of the spirit in my life, reading this scripture and doing it has done wonders for me.

2 Peter 1:5-7
And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;
And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.

Dictionary definition: someone who is diligent works hard and is careful and thorough:
Bible definition: When you are diligent, you will bear rule and you will stand before kings.

Dictionary definition: belief and trust in God:
Bible definition: the response of the human spirit to God's word

Dictionary definition: a particular good quality in someone's character
Bible definition: it is released as power

Dictionary definition: the information, skills, and understanding that you have gained through learning or experience
Bible definition: the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, you can't get enough

Dictionary definition: sensible control of the things you say and do, especially the amount of alcohol you drink
Bible definition: self control by the spirit of God, He is your helper

Dictionary definition: the ability to continue waiting or doing something for a long time without becoming angry or anxious
Bible definition: The ability to stay believing what God has said no matter how much time has elasped.

Dictionary definition: obeying God and leading a good life
Living in alignment with God's word

Brotherly kindness
Dictionary definition: (it yielded no results)
Biblical definition: love towards one another especially those who have faith in Jesus.

Dictionary definition: an organization that gives money, goods, or help to people who are poor, sick 
Bible definition: Love

These help to walk in the kingdom of God
Look at the word Kingdom - Kingdom.  
It refers to the King’s Domain, implying authority and lordship.  Jesus came to offer the benefits of His world to all who surrender to His rule.  The realm of God’s dominion, that realm of all sufficiency, is the realm called the kingdom.  The benefits of His rule were illustrated through His works of forgiveness, deliverance, and healing. 

If you get this, your life will be dynamite!
Do seek His kingdom!