If you are politically correct, you are not in faith.
If you are in faith, you cannot be politically correct.
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Ramparts are falling because the Spirit of the LORD is coming against it as a flood. |
Historically, out of every 12 people who belong to God, ten always give an evil report. Only a small 2 choose God over the world system.
Good thing is that those with the evil report always get the short end of the stick from God.
Good thing is that those with the evil report always get the short end of the stick from God.
Who remembers the name of the ten men who did not believe God?
I can remember 'Jephunneh' something.
Hear Google: Who was jephunneh in the Bible?
Even Google doesn't care about the ten spies that died and neither do I. The ten spies died and were buried. The remaining dishonest people, God allowed them to walk in the desert until their carcasses fell.
The bible says it correctly:
John 15:18-27 King James Version (KJV)
18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.
The bible says it right: "There is no peace for the wicked"
The children of God do not take dressing based on what they see with their eyes but the child of the world knows nothing of spiritual things and judges all things by sight but the just shall live by faith.
Simple poem about the kingdom and the world:
The crowd always go with the flow.
It is instruction if you study aquatic animals that only dead fish go with the flow.
The living fish follow their maker.
Isn't it weird that faith is never birthed out of comfort and logical conversations.
Faith is birthed out of the ordinary. Walking by faith is usually not done in a crowd.
Going with the political correct happens in the crowded places, conformed thinking that might not align with God's word or God's mind happen in crowded places.
Great faith never ever hapens in the crowded places.
If you are choosing great faith (great faith or weak faith is alway a choice and a decision made by an individual) it happens in the secret places with God.
Audacity comes from hanging with God and people with like precious faith.
Hebrews 11 people; the real faith people.
They could not be ignored.
They were either hated or loved.
Same thing today, when you have got the real thing, you are either hated or loved, there's no middle ground.
Faith is never politically correct.
If you're politically correct, you are not right, you need to go and find your faith and stop being neither hot nor cold.
There's a set of people I admire so much.
When I'm reading the bible, I'm watching their thoughts, their actions, decisions and motives, they are extraordinary people.
Reading about them, I'm living vicariously and know for sure that I would never choose the ordinary life.
Have you ever read about the faith people?
They have distinguishing qualities.
Pretty different from today's brand of powerless Christian.
Psalm 1 speaks about them
Jeremiah 7:17 talks about them too
Psalms 23 talks about them too.
They do not need the crowds to be their arsenal
Not when Yahweh is their constant cmpanion
Innuendoes are not their language
Scripture says the law of kindness is on her lips.
Guinevere had Lancelot. I have Jesus.
When you go all out for Jesus.
He goes all out for you.
Being a coward is easy but no one of the heroes of faith were cowards, they were walking in trust based on relationship with God.
When you have it, it doesn't hide.
When you don't have it, the void and emptiness is clear too.
When you are Christian, your greatest fear is not losing the support of man
Your greatest fear is ignoring God and not considering the promptings of the Holy Spirit as important.
Without the promptings of the Holy Spirit, a believer is as powerless as one who does not know the Lord.
What is the point of knowing the Lord if daily fellowship with Him is not prioritized.
Even Jesus knew that not talking with God daily was an issue.
Do you know that a faithless man or woman can be felt by a believer with the 'discerning of spirits'?
I wonder what is on God's time table in the grand scheme of things at this very time. I know He's not thinking of asking anyone's opinion on what He should do in this season or what He shouldn't do.
Those with the Issachar anointing know.
The others are happily walking in ignorance and fighting pointless battles.
Any real Christian know that the weapons of our weapon are not carnal but mighty in God.
What pulls down strong holds are not sharp tongues and curses issued in hiding at chidren of God.
James comes to mind when I think of how springs should be pure.
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When strongholds fall before your praise, it is not because you are strong because the one in covenant/partnership with you is strong enough. |
What pulls down strongholds are mercy and grace and supplication and utterance. Those eternal verities are the only sources of power in this season. Everything else is camouflage and petty behaviours that should not be anywhere near an effective Christian.
Admonition for Christians:
Part of why I am so strong inside is because I am one with the Spirit of God (1 Cor 6:17). Get to know God for yourself.
Know God for yourself. Stop trusting that people will do what they are supposed to do and you do what you are supposed to do. Be an active Christian.
Obedience matters so much in this last days.
Prov 3:6
Trust God and leave other people alone.
When you are disillusioned about people not living up to expectation, you be an example.
Why is this good in the wrong run?
You are accountable for yourself and no one else. Be certain that God can hold you to account and you will hear the "well done".
That's all that matters.
The onus is on us though as the Joshua generation to lift up the banner of Christ and make God proud.The church is not a building. Any time you stand up for the gospel, God recognizes you.
Seek first God's kingdom. Prioritize His word. That's where the power of God is.
Consecrate yourself to God and value your quiet time so you build relationship with the Holy Ghost so you can separate truth from lie.
Shalom brothers and sisters.
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