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Monday 21 March 2022

Choosing Jesus - What it means

 What does it mean to choose Jesus?

What is not choosing Jesus?

Choosing Jesus is not church attendance.

Choosing Jesus is not judging others.

Choosing Jesus is not feeling superior to others

Choosing Jesus is not praying for others, sorry gossiping about the issues of others.

Choosing Jesus is not slandering people when they are absent.

Choosing Jesus is not judging pastors and expecting them to be perfect.

Choosing Jesus is not judging other Christians and expecting them to be perfect.

Choosing Jesus is not self-righteousness.

Many of us (Christians) have been guilty of the above sins while trying to act Christian.

But has Jesus called us to act Christian or called us to be Christian?

What is choosing Jesus?

Choosing Jesus is acknowledging the cross of Christ, where he died and rose again for the redemption of man.

Choosing Jesus is believing that Jesus rose up again from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Choosing Jesus is believing that Jesus is the son of God, that he was not fathered by Joseph but by incarnation when the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary (No, the Holy Spirit did not have sex with her). It was an incarnation.

Choosing Jesus is believing that the Holy Spirit lives in you if you are born again.

Choosing Jesus is considering another person or preferring them more than yourself. Yet you are not to neglect loving yourself.

Choosing Jesus is being His representative, His hands and His feet everywhere you go.

Choosing Jesus is being an encourager and an edifier everywhere you go.

Choosing Jesus is being Christ-like and a daily journey to perfection.

Happy Resurrection Sunday guys.

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