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Thursday 1 September 2022

Day 1 - Gratitude Series The Holy Spirit is a counselor.

I needed a counselor...

Music: Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes

I began my Christian life with the idea of reading up on everything in the Bible and doing it with my will power.

Being a very intelligent and analytical young lady, I worked out how much time it would take to satisfy God’s requirements, the courses I needed to do, and the easiest route to fulfill what God wanted of me.

Salvation was a very spiritual experience for me that helped me know that God existed. Therefore, I plotted every step going forward. It took only a short while for me to realize that I would not be able to fulfill all that God required with the gift of intelligence he had bestowed on my life. My intelligence was a crutch and sometimes a hindrance instead of a help.

In which area do you need to surrender?

After my plan crashed, I kind of semi-gave up and was unable to move forward mentally, physically, financially, and spiritually until I learned to follow Holy Spirit instructions.

One day, after realizing I could not do anything on my own, I surrendered to Holy Spirit again. I was like, "What do you want?"

After I obeyed Him, I was able to pray again, worship again, and communicate again. I was at peace. Godly peace is one of the most amazing experiences ever. You can't make it, create it, or act on it; all you can do is surrender to it.

Following God is one of the most vulnerable things ever. It is easy to pretend to follow God and go through the motions and tick all the boxes. It is more difficult to follow God and let go of the things He wants you to let go of. It is scary to follow His instructions and actually lose your life to gain it.

Are you obeying tthe voice of God?

When I started obeying God’s voice and His instructions, the book of John came alive to me and the fear of man fell off me.

I actually said, no matter what a man or woman or anyone else thinks, if I believe that God is saying something, I am going to go ahead and do it. We will see where the Holy Ghost leads us.

God forbid, I surrender to cowardice and live life based on the expectations of others. If you get a word from the Lord and you are absolutely sure that the Lord is the One who has spoken, I encourage you to go ahead and follow what He said.

You are not the first. You will not be the last person in this kingdom who follows the word of God and practices civil disobedience to what the world and the people in it are saying.

In this kingdom, we know that if God releases a word to any of His children, in that word is resident the power needed to perform that word.

What is power?

Power is God’s ability in your life to bring to pass what He is talking about.

It can be the power to:

  • Preach the gospel.
  • Marry a husband or a wife.
  • Give birth to a male or a female child.
  • Get up from the bed of sickness.
  • Stand up on God’s promise for prosperity.

God’s word can do anything. Either you believe His word or the world and its circumstances.I pray that you will find the strength to believe His word.

Happy September

Keep shining!

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