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Tuesday 18 April 2023

Change Your Mind - How To Develop A Billionaire Mindset

When you start your business, you may experience some challenges growing it.

Don't sweat it!

You will get better.

When I started my business, if I happened to be low on cash, all the prices of my goods would change (as if that would get me more clients) I would be in panic mode and afraid.

When the famine mode was passed, I would be mad at myself, or sad at my response because I was unprepared.

One of the things that have to change when you start your business is the way you think.

All billionaires think differently from the rest of the world's populace. 

Some of the ways in which they are different are:

They Think Big: 

Some of my favorite billionaires are Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Jack Ma. I like them because they own tech businesses or businesses supported by tech. 

Billionaires think big and are not afraid to dream big. They see opportunities where others see challenges and think outside the box.

Lesson: Spot opportunities and think outside the box for solutions. This is a huge part of learning how to develop a billionaire mindset.

Take calculated risks: 

I used to hate risks.

All I wanted to do was a 9-5 until life happened.

Billionaires take calculated risks and are not afraid to fail. They understand that failure is part of the learning process and that it's important to take risks to achieve great things.

Lesson: Take calculated risks and do not be afraid of failure. Like one of my mentors would say, fail forward.

Focus on long-term goals: 

What are your long-term goals?

Billionaires have a long-term vision and focus on achieving their goals. They understand that success is not achieved overnight and are willing to put in the hard work required to achieve their goals.

Lesson: Put in the hard work needed to achieve your goals.

Be persistent: 

Don't give up.

I learned to keep trying again from my dad. He had a poem he stuck on the wall of his room. The starting words of the poem say:

"If at first, you don't succeed, try again"

It came in handy when I experienced opposition in the pursuit of my vision and goals.

It was sink or swim and I chose to swim.

Billionaires are persistent and don't give up easily. They understand that success is not a straight line and that setbacks are part of the journey.

Lesson: Don't give up.

Continuously learn: 

As a content writer that helps business owners create content that drives brand awareness, I need to be learning every day.

Billionaires are lifelong learners and are constantly seeking new knowledge and skills. They understand that the world is constantly changing and that they need to adapt to stay ahead.

Lesson: Be teachable.

Build a strong network: 

“Rome wasn't built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour” - John Heywood

Build a network. 

Step by step.

Billionaires understand the value of building a strong network and surrounding themselves with other successful and like-minded individuals.

Have a positive attitude:

Choose your thoughts wisely and deliberately.

Get a great attitude. Maintain a good attitude.

Billionaires have a positive attitude and believe in their ability to achieve their goals. 

They understand the power of positivity and how it can help them overcome obstacles.

Give back: 

Giving back gives billionaires a sense of purpose.

Elon Musk gave 2 billion in Tesla shares to charity. 

Jeff Bezos gave committing $2 billion to his Day 1 Families Fund in 2018, and to other organizations that solve the problems of homelessness.

Jack Ma has trained over 20,000 mothers FREE and given them funding to become online entrepreneurs.

Billionaires understand the importance of giving back and making a positive impact on the world. They use their wealth and resources to help others and make a difference in the world.

So that's it for today.

How to develop a billionaire mindset - Final Word

Get committed to acquiring the above traits and building them up over time.

This is the billionaire mindset.

Learning these traits and changing your mindset will increase your chance of achieving success in your life.

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