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Monday 2 October 2023

There are 'nations' in you

Renowned Author Bishop TD Jakes of the Potters House

I am getting used to the word that there are nations in me.

I am going to be declaring this to myself over and over again as the months go by.

"Tessa, there are nations in you."

I wonder what it feels like to carry nations in your womb. 

Sarah had a nation in her womb (Isaac).

Rachel had two nations in her womb (Esau and Jacob).

Mary had a nation in her womb (Jesus and all the Christians who would allow Jesus to become their Lord)

Now it is our time.

I receive it.

I am living my destiny.

I carry nations in my womb.

I receive the power of God to birth those nations in Jesus name, amen.

If you want to birth the nations in your womb. Say this prayer too.

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