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Monday 22 July 2024

Everyone Wants Freedom, Few People Know How To Find It

For the longest time I have longed for freedom...

I was not certain what kind of freedom I wanted but as soon as I was a teenager, I wanted to be free.

At the time I did not know the meaning of freedom. I thought I did. But I was mistaken. 

I still viewed the world from a carnal place. I did not see the world as God does. 

Let's see if Google can help us.

Google speaks of two different kinds of freedom.

The first type of freedom is the worldly kind. It helps but the problems of this world cannot be solved by the first kind of freedom. That kind of problem is a band aid.

The second type of freedom is more of what I am talking about. 

"The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved"

Are you free?

Think well.

Are you?

Jesus wants you to be free but if you do not know you are not free, you will be unable to access His free gift of salvation.

Jesus can buy you back from the slave market that is the world system

Let me tell you a story:

Once upon a time, I was a carefree girl with parents who were considered wealthy but I was caged, not free but I did not know.

Then I got born again but I still did not experience freedom although it was available. 

I was still bound with the chains of religion so it appeared I was free but I was not.

I asked around and I was curious but no one was willing to tell me how to be free.

Or maybe they did not know how to be free either.

I had a layer of freedom.

Why do I say a layer?

I will share some of the things that I remember.

When I was not born again, I was 16 and in college, I noticed some things that seemed normal:

  • I repaired my sandals twice a month. Whether they were new or not, I would be embarassed by my shoe cutting in a public place so of course my confidence was shot to pieces.
  • My  face was full of pimples'
  • If  I slept in a strange place, I experience sleep paralysis (scary stuff)
  • I had nasty dreams from time to time that were scary because some of them came to pass. Others were just really scary for a child.
  • I was scared of dogs, snakes and any animal that could harm me. I was fearful, very fearful.
  • I prayed without any certainty that my prayers were being heard.

When I got saved and was active in a fellowship as a worker, here are some of the things I noticed:
  • My sandal did not cut for a whole year. I initially blamed it on the sandal sellers at Yaba market. I thought finally I have bought a new sandal that was of good quality.
  • My face cleared up because apparently, the pimples took a break. I had one pimple a month instead of 30-60 different pimples in a month. (I assumed that a cream I used worked and cleared my face).
  • No more sleep paralysis no matter if I slept in a new place.
  • Now I had dreams where I had a sword I used to cut down snakes or any animal I came across in the dream. My very timid self at the time laughed at the dream.
  • I was no longer afraid. I did not feel fear inside my spirit controlling me and my decisions. I felt boldness.
  • I knew that any time I prayed God answered me because I was/am the righteousness of God in Christ.

Did all of this happen just because I was born again?


It happened because I was sitting under anointed teaching of God's word.

My mind was getting renewing.

My mindset and thinking pattern was changing daily.

The word of God is truth.

Over the course of the rest of 2024, I will only be sharing about the truth of God in one area of life or another.

Round off:

How do you get free?

John 8:31-32

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free

You must get truth.

You must find truth.

You must believe truth.

You must buy truth.

For it will make you free. It will change your life. It will give you options and choices. You will not be a slave. 

How do you get truth?

Study the bible as Holy Spirit leads you. The abundant life is found when you find truth.

Common Complaints:

  • Some people complain that they do not get answers to prayers. 

  • That they did not get healed or could not keep their healing.

  • That they have no assurance of salvation. 

  • That they are not certain they will live long.

  • That they do not know if they will prosper. 

  • That they do not know if living holy is possible. They have failed too many times.

  • That it is too hard to work on the narrow road, that it is impossible.

  • That they are frustrated, confused, angry and feel cheated.


Get in the word.

The truth will set you free. 

Scripture backing:

Ephesians 6:14

14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

Proverbs 23:23

Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

John 8:31-32

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

John 8:45

And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Proverbs 25:2

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.


What is truth?

Truth is the word of God.

Let me tell you now that it is not easy to find truth.

It is easier to come across the followings:

  • Lies
  • Fables
  • Half truths

To find truth, you must become like the Berean christian and be committed to searching out scriptures daily and asking the Holy Spirit to help the word of God come alive in your spirit.

The word from God is spirit and life. 

The letter of the word (without Holy Spirit) kills. The Holy Spirit gives life.

Commit to being led by the Spirit so that He will show you wondrous things out of God's word. Learn to pray God's word. This is the number guarantee to answered prayer.

This is because when you are praying the word of God, you are praying His will.

Psalm 119:18

Open my eyes, that I may see Wondrous things from Your law.

I pray that God will cause you to see His word, hunger after God's word and see wondrous things that will cause your life to resemble the abundant life God gives in Jesus name, amen.


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